Marlene and Neil's year-long experiences half-way around the world, starting in October, 2016, as they become "kiwis for 12 months!"

Thursday, May 4, 2017

"Merge Like a Zip"

Even more idiosyncrasies of daily life in New Zealand

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We love this road sign.  It's pretty self-explanatory, that vehicles should merge one after another.  But it's just kooky!

Easter in New Zealand . . . isn't

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This graphic says it all.  We were surprised at how the 4 day Easter weekend is very much regarded as a holiday get-away.  Good Friday and Easter Monday are national holidays and kiwis vacation.  Celebrating Christ's resurrection is not the #1 priority.
Interesting drinking laws too.  You cannot order alcoholic beverages at a restaurant, etc., on Good Friday UNLESS you will be eating a meal - and then only 1 hr. before to 1 hr. after eating the meal.


ANZAC (Australia New Zealand Army Corps) Day is commemorated on April 25 every year and is a national holiday in Australia and New Zealand.  Comparable to our Memorial Day, it particularly honors  those Aussie and Kiwi soldiers involved in the Battle of Gallipoli in Turkey during WWI.  This holiday seems very important to the kiwis.

and ANZAC cookies!!  (HAVE to mention these!)

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Relatively common cookie in Australia and New Zealand, very prevalent around ANZAC Day.  Originally, these were cookies sent to the ANZAC troops during WWI because the ingredients would travel well to the battlefields.

Filing personal income taxes

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Most kiwis don't!  It's not necessary!  They have a certain percentage taken out of their salaries and they call it even!  No hassles whatsoever.  How sweet is that!
By the way, their tax year is from April 1 - March 31.

Freedom camping

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Unless marked as prohibited, you can camp for free virtually anywhere in New Zealand.  However, some freedom campers try to take advantage of commercial camp sites by sneaking in at night and using their facilities free of charge.  Obviously, very costly and controversial!

2 button toilets

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Toilets don't have handles but instead, 2 buttons.  The smaller button (or the one on the left) is for half-flushes while the larger button (or the one on the right) is for full flushes.  Saves LOTS of water.

Earthquake benefit??

Kaikoura kids line up for surf lessons on the new surf break at Gooch's Beach.

The November earthquake actually created ideal surfing conditions at Gooch Beach near Kaikoura, where the epicenter was.  Perfect for teaching youth how to surf!

No security checks!!

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Flying on smaller flights domestically in New Zealand?  There are NO security checks!  

Cosmopolitan Clubs

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Or "Cossie Clubs," are community social centers all over New Zealand.  After paying a very inexpensive membership fee, you can enjoy all the social benefits such as nice restaurants, bars, entertainment and gaming facilities.  Also, membership at one allows you to visit any other free of charge.

U turns

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Are legal in New Zealand!  Do you know how nice that is, especially for those of us unfamiliar with the roads here??!

Free admission

Late autumn in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park.

Admission to all of New Zealand's national parks, monuments and museums is free.

OK, my 32 years in the classroom is at it again!!  Round 2.  Match the common kiwi word with their American equivalent (many have British roots).


Kiwi word                                              American word

1.  Manchester ______                          A.   landslide                 
2.  nappies _____                                   B.   OK
3.  slip  _____                                         C.   body repair shop
4.  trundle/trolley  _____                      D.   pharmacist
5.  panel beaters  _____                        E.   diapers
6.  fine  _____                                         F.   arugula
7.  chemist  _____                                  G.   shopping cart
8.  right  _____                                      H.  sheets/linens/napkins 
9.  rocket  _____                                    I.  clear (as in not cloudy                                                                      skies)


1.  H  (Manchester, England once supplied NZ with                                virtually all their linens)
2.  E
3.  A
4.  G
5.  C
6.  I
7.  D
8.  B
9.  F